Thought Leadership Forum for ALL FFLs
FFLGuard, known throughout the firearms industry as the gold standard for legal services, compliance solutions, and technology guidance — is proud to present a virtual, multi-day symposium, beginning on June 2nd at the Gearfire Studio, and featuring speakers scheduled from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the National Rifle Association (NRA), the American Suppressor Association (ASA), the National Association of Sporting Good Wholesalers (NASGW), and many other firearms organizations. EVERY FFL – whether an FFLGuard client or not – will have the unique opportunity to interact with the experts from these organizations right from the comfort and safety of their home, and without interfering with work schedules or personal life. In addition, an array of firearms business trailblazers across the nation will be available to talk after their sessions as they share their personal playbooks for success.
FFLGuard is proud to confirm that Congressmen Ted Budd (R-NC), and Andrew Clyde (R-GA) will be presenting the Keynote Speech at the 2021 FFLGuard Symposium. Each will provide their insight on the current state of political affairs, including the future of the Second Amendment and other critical issues. “It’s an honor and privilege to have both of these distinguished gentlemen speak to our attendees,” stated Chris Chiafullo, FFLGuard’s National Coordinating Counsel. “With both being Federal Firearms Licensees prior to a career in politics, they have a unique understanding of how the political system works, while fully comprehending the perils and pitfalls face the common FFL in day-to-day business. They will both be a ‘must see!’”
FFLGuard is also proud to make their 2021 Symposium available to ALL FFLs for the first time, highlighted by their thirteenth year in a row hosting a clients-only meeting. This Firearms Industry Thought and Leadership Forum will be headlined by strategic partnerships with Gearfire and FastBound.
Gearfire is an industry-leading technology provider for shooting and outdoor sports retailers that equips over 2,000 U.S. businesses with eCommerce websites, award-winning Point of Sale software, and online and in-store Merchant Services.
Since 2010, FastBound’s leading FFL software for A&D and 4473 has processed hundreds of millions of serial numbers for thousands of FFLs with guaranteed ATF compliance, and an attorney-backed legal defense.
The 2021 Symposium is a re-imagination of the traditional firearms industry symposium by delivering a flexible, schedule-friendly, cost-effective event for FFLGuard clients and non-clients alike. Any FFL, as well as their entire staff, can attend FFLGuard’s multi-day, virtual symposium to gain unmatched knowledge of firearms law and compliance, input into FFL specific operational challenges, and insights around cutting-edge firearms technology utilized by business leaders in the industry. For less than $99 per organization… and at ZERO COST to FFLGuard clients!
This year’s event is also powered by support from notable, industry leaders such as EPICOR, BRINK’S, HECKLER & KOCH, IWI, CELERANT, LIPSEY’S, GUNS.COM, and TRIDENT 1. Best of all, participation in this one-of-a-kind, dynamic learning experience is unquestionably affordable. This year, there’s no need for any FFL to waste hard-earned dollars at other conferences that are saddled with exorbitant participation fees, additional travel expenses, potential scheduling conflicts, repetitive material, unabashed sales pitches, and possible public health risks, all jeopardizing the attendees’ well-being and budget.
The Agenda for the Symposium is as follows:
(9:30am) Welcome Kick-Off (15 minutes)(Chris Chiafullo)
(9:45am) Keynote Address (30 minutes)(Rep. Tedd Budd (R-NC) and Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA))
(10:30am) ATF Discussions Hosted By Chris Chiafullo, Hank Yacek and Alexis Tunell
- A View from the Top: ATF Executive Overview and Q&A (1 hour)
- ATF Roundtable (LIVE: 45 minutes)
(1pm) State of the Firearms Industry from the Legal Experts (1 hour) (C. Chiafullo, Keane, Conte, C. Renzulli, Michel, Halbrook, J. Renzulli, Bouchard)
(2pm) Non-FFLGuard Client Sub-Track (2 hours)
Intro to FFLGuard for Non-Clients (30 minutes, C. Chiafullo)
- Value of NSSF to the Firearms Industry (30 minutes, C. Chiafullo & McNamara) Ø NSSF Public Service Announcement 1 (Don’t Lie For the Other Guy)
- NSSF Public Service Announcement 2 (Suicide Prevention)
- NSSF Public Service Announcement 3 (Project ChildSafe)
Available to FFLGuard Clients Only (LIVE)
(2pm) Clients-Only FFLGuard Meeting Sub-Track Hosted by C. Chiafullo (LIVE: 2 hours)
- What You Should Be Getting From Your FFLGuard Participation
- The Year in Review: Statistics and Notable FFLGuard Happenings
- Ask the Experts – Q&A
June 3, 2021
- (9:30am EDT) eForms, NFA FAQs and common errors, and firearm classification process (ATF, C. Chiafullo, Yacek, Tunell, Vasquez) (LIVE: 45 Minutes)
- (10:45 EDT) Know the New F4473 Inside and Out/The Compliance Inspection Process/FFL Theft Prevention/Straw Purchase Indicators (ATF, C. Chiafullo, Yacek, Tunell, Bouchard) (LIVE: 60 Minutes)
Available to ALL ATTENDEES Beginning at NOON EDT Track 1 (Law and Compliance) (Chris Chiafullo, Chair)
- (Noon EDT) NFA Headline Issues with Suppressors (Maddox, Vasquez, Duet, Miller)
- (12:45p EDT) NFA Headline Issues with Arm Braces, Bump Stocks, 80% Lowers and More (Vasquez, Duet)
- (1:30p EDT) PLCAA by the Professionals (J. Renzulli, C. Renzulli, Keane)
- (2:15p EDT) “Best-In-Class” Mastery of ATF Inspections (B. Chiafullo, Perry)
- (3:00p EDT) Intellectual Property, Asset Protection and How They Affect Firearms Businesses (Amin)
- (4:30p EDT) Understanding Firearms Classifications and FTB Approvals (Vasquez, Wolber)
- (5:15p EDT) All Things California (Cubiero, Dale)
Track 2 (Business Operations) (Hank Yacek, Chair)
- (Noon EDT) Money Matters (C. Chiafullo, Shultz)
- (12:45p EDT) Insurance Issues (Yager, J. Chiarello)
- (2:15p EDT) Operational Security, Inside and Out (Bouchard, Perry)
- (3:00p EDT) Power of a Performance Group (Chiafullo, Barndt, Sprague, Gore)
- (3:45p EDT) Using Assessments to Maximize Employee Potential and Output (Whitehall)
- (4:30p EDT) Supply Chain Changes and Concerns in 2021 (L. Aronson, Gleason)
- (5:15p EDT) Marketing Your Business Online and In-store (Gearfire
- (6:00p EDT) Principles of Elite Performance, by the U.S. Navy SEALs (Newbold)
Track 3 (Technology) (Alexis Tunell, Chair)
- (Noon EDT) The Need for and Proper Use of an eA&D/e4473 and APIs by Retailers (B. Chiafullo, Smith, Haselton, Collins)
- (12:45p EDT) Selecting the Best Digital Bound Book for Non-Retail Operations
- (1:00p EDT) Powerful Deployment of eMarketing & eCommerce Platforms (Tunell, Seaverns)
- (1:30p EDT) Mastering Online Gun Sales (Sansoni, Tesch)
- (2:15p EDT) Effective Implementation of an ERP (Lerner)
- (3:00p EDT) Four Pillars of Technology to Support Retail through Cash Flow Management, Employee Productivity, Customer Engagement and Business Vision (Kirkland)
- (3:45p EDT) How the Right POS System Drives Business (Wille, Salerno, GearFire Team)
- (4:30p EDT) The Future of Cloud Storage for the Form 4473 (Glover, Smith)
June 4-6, 2021
- All sessions in Tracks 1, 2 and 3 will be available on demand 24/7.
June 7-11, 2021
- Virtual breakout sessions with speakers from Tracks 1, 2, and 3 will be held via scheduled Zoom conferences.
Speakers in Attendance
Confirmed symposium speakers include:
- Leadership of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF)
- Marvin Richardson (Deputy Director)
- Alphonso Hughes (Assistant Director, Enforcement Programs and Services (EPS))
- Tom Chittum (Assistant Director, Field Operations (FO))
- Megan Bennett (Deputy Assistant Director (Industry Operations), FO)
- Andy Graham (Deputy Assistant Director, EPS)
- Marianna Mitchem (Chief, Firearms and Explosives Services Division)
- Earl Griffith (Chief, Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division)
- Steve Rosenthal (Chief, National Firearms Act Division)
- James Vann, Esq. (Associate Chief Counsel, Firearms and Explosives Law Division)
- Chris Chiafullo (National Coordinating Counsel, FFLGuard) (Chair, Law and Compliance Track)
- Alexis Tunell (Chief Strategy Officer, Gearfire) (Chair, Technology Track)
- Hank Yacek (CEO, Point of Impact, LLC and current FFLGuard Subject Matter Expert) (Chair, Business Operations Track)
- Dominic Romito (VP of Marketing, Gearfire)
- Eric Wille (Director of Retail Product Management, Gearfire)
- Michael Bouchard (Former Assistant Director – ATF, and current FFLGuard Subject Matter Expert)
- Rick Vasquez (Former Acting Chief, Firearms Technology Branch – ATF and current FFLGuard Subject Matter Expert)
- Chuck D. Michel, Esq. (Partner, Michel & Associates)
- Larry Keane, Esq. (SVP and General Counsel, NSSF)
- Chris Conte, Esq. (Litigation Counsel, NRA)
- Stephen Halbrook, Esq. (Noted Attorney and Second Amendment Scholar)
- John and Chris Renzulli, Esqs. (Partners, Renzulli Law Firm)
- Scott Allan, Esq. (Senior Associate, Renzulli Law Firm and current FFLGuard HelpDesk Subject Matter Expert)
- Owen Miller (Director of Outreach, ASA)
- John McNamara (Managing Director, Member Services NSSF)
- Kenyon Gleason (President, NASGW)
- Jason Smith (CEO, FastBound)
- Jarad Haselton (COO, FastBound)
- JW Shultz (CEO, GearFire)
- Chad Seaverns (COO, Gearfire)
- Sam Kirkland (National Business Development Strategist, EPICOR)
- Steve Urvan (Outgoing CEO,
- Jeff Perry (Director of Firearms, Equipment and Regulatory Compliance, Brink’s)
- Jake Newbold (Former Navy SEAL and CEO/President, Trident1)
- Jamison Collins (VP of Sales, FastBound)
- Brandon Maddox (CEO, Dakota Silencer and FFL 1-2-3)
- Richard Sprague (Owner, Sprague’s Sports in Yuma, AZ)
- Laurie Aronson (President, Lipsey’s)
- John Whitehall (CEO, Sandler Training)
- Jeff Tesch (Director of Business Development,
- Mark Finnerty (Principal, DL Exports)
- Ismail Amin, Esq. (Partner, The Amin Law Group)
- Trent Yager (Principal, Firearms Insurance Agents)
- Doug VanderWoude (Managing Director, Range Systems)
- Joe Chiarello (Principal, Joseph Chiarello & Co. Insurance Agency)
- Jerry Rivera (Former NYPD Detective 2d Grade – Computer Crimes Division, Current CEO of Trident Blue Investigations)
- Johannes Wolber (Director of Licensing and Procurement, Heckler & Koch)
- Travis Glover (VP of Business Development and Sales, Silencer Shop)
- Matt Janes (former Owner, Second Amendment Sports in AZ & CA)
- Marshall Lerner (Owner, Primary Arms and GIR Software Services)
- Scott Duet (Compliance Manager, Lipsey’s)
- Ethan Sansoni (General Manager, Frog Bones Family Shooting Center)
- Rex Gore (Owner, Black Wing Shooting Center)
FFLGuard will conduct its main track virtually on June 2, 2021, with its Welcome, a to-be-announced Keynote Speaker, and various LIVE, interactive meetings with ATF personnel. It will conclude the day with its annual, attorney-client privileged Clients-Only Meeting for all FFLGuard clients, and simultaneous NSSF-run public service and value-add seminars for non-FFLGuard clients.
On June 3-4, 2021, FFLGuard will showcase over 20 different educational seminars over 3 dedicated tracks: Law and Compliance (hosted by FFLGuard National Coordinating Counsel, Chris Chiafullo), Business Operations (hosted by Point of Impact CEO, Hank Yacek), and Firearms Technology (hosted by Gearfire Chief Strategy Officer, Alexis Tunell). These offerings will be broadcast live and then available on-demand 24/7 for the remainder of the week. Of course, the initial live broadcast of every seminar will be open for Q&A while underway, with the opportunity for breakout meetings and “fireside chats” to be scheduled between speaker and attendees at the end of each session.
“Our Annual Clients-Only Meeting has always been well-attended for the past decade-plus, so surrounding it this year with other talks from experts, as well as educational opportunities, seemed to be a great value-add,” stated Chris Chiafullo, Founder and National Coordinating Counsel of FFLGuard. “When notables at ATF, NSSF, Gearfire, and elsewhere indicated they’d be interested in participating in our event, it all just fell into place. We don’t usually open our doors to those outside our clientele, but it seems as though the firearms industry at large remains hungry to utilize the expertise that we have provided our clients for decades.” Chiafullo went on to note that “FFLGuard attorneys and experts in the field have long been considered the best-of-the-best to lead the way, and this is simply a reaffirmation of that fact.”
Chiafullo also noted that having the NSSF on board for the 2021 FFLGuard Symposium would act as the perfect bookend to the NSSF’s “Range & Retail Business Expo” later in the summer, where FFLGuard personnel would be appearing live and in person. “With the danger that faces the firearms industry and Second Amendment under the current administration, it’s important that those of us who actually know what we are doing – including the NSSF and other notable speakers at our Symposium – be on the same page to assist all FFLs, big and small. If not, this way of life that we’ve all supported and embraced will be dismantled and destroyed quickly.”
Registration for the 2021 FFLGuard Symposium is now open, at both and right from the home page on
For more information, visit or call FFLGuard at 888-335-4731.
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